Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fortnightly Favourites Newsletter

Hi & welcome back to the fortnightly favourites newsletter.

Before I go any further, I wish to apologise to anyone who may have asked for their name to come off the mailing list and have still received this newsletter.

This is not intentional. My computer has decided to take a well earned break and I cannot access my current list of email addresses at present.

Fortunately, I had a copy of the database that I had kept to a USB a few weeks ago so that non of you miss out on this newsletter.

With winter closing in around us, I for one, am pulling out the crock pot and starting to look at the yummy warming casseroles that we all enjoy so much this time of year.

And what better staple to base our winter cook-up on than the humble potato, which, if you read on, you will find is not really all that humble!

And to help you cook up a storm this fortnight, Saratoga Fresh fruit is selling 1kg of brushed pototoes for only $0.99c (better get them quick, at this price, they won't last long).

This fortnight we are also proud to showcase the Ambience Wellness Centre which is located on the Central Coast at Davistown.

Virginia is fully trained in both Human and Animal Bowen Therapy (if you don't know what bowen therapy is, click here to find out)

If you own a small business take a look at this link. It may be just what you need to get your business found by all the folks who use the net only, for all their local information.

If you are interested in knowing more after looking at the above link, please find some questions and answers on what the Qwert Network can do for your business here

I hope that you have been finding the qwert Trades & Services Directory of use to you. Don't forget, next time you need to hire someone to do a job or provide a service to you, go to

This is how I just found the tiler to do my bathroom and he was great. Cost me nothing to find him, but using this directory certainly saved me a lot of time and energy.

If you would like to make a comment or suggestion please send me an email @
If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please send me an email @
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Now to the Humble Potato!

1 medium cooked potato with skin is a serve, and is:

an excellent source of vitamin C (99% of an adult's RDI) a good source of potassium a source of fibre, thiamine and niacin.

Sebago Potato

The potato is a great energy source because it's so high in complex carbohydrates, but fat free. In fact, an average sized potato contains only 370 kJ or 89 kcals. It's what potatoes are cooked in that adds the kilojoules. Avoid piling on the butter and sour cream and if eating chips, choose thick ones like wedges rather than shoestring or french fries which weight for weight contain far more fat.

Potassium, essential to the body because of its role in attaining optimal nerve and muscle performance, is more plentiful in the potato (aptly named) than any other single food.

In fact, one potato cooked in its jacket provides about one third of the adult RDI of this essential mineral.
Varieties: Pontiac Idaho Sequoia Sebago New Potatoes Mature Potatoes.

Availability: All year but best from July to December.

But look at all the other things you can use a potato for!

Use a potato to make a poultice.

Cut the potato in half and then cut the halves in half. Cut those halves up into medium to small pieces. They don't have to be in any certain shape. Take a piece of gauze and place a portion of the potato pieces in it then sit the potatoes over the ailment. Take non-stick tape made for the skin and wrap it around the gauze to hold it in place. For instance, if the ailment complaint is on the arm, set the poultice in place and wrap the tape over the top of the gauze and completely around the arm. Use several pieces of gauze if need be too completely cover the ailment. Potato poultices are good for painful afflicted areas. They may do well with arthritis, swelling, bruises, scratches, cuts and bug bites.
Use a potato instead of non-stick cooking spray on the grill.

Cut the potato in two and rub the cut sides all over the grates of the grill to prevent food from sticking. The preferred method is to wait until the grill heats up so that the potato can better coat the grates.

Use a potato to get quick nourishment and a quick tasty treat

Next time homemade French fries are made save the potato peels. When peckish hunger takes over fry the potato peels until they turn crispy and sprinkle some sea salt and cayenne pepper powder over them.

Use a potato to starch clothes.

Cut a potato in half and rub the cut sides up and down jeans or a T-shirt and let dry. Potatoes may stain some clothes.

A potato wrap for pain relief

The potato wrap has long history as a folk remedy for all types of muscle and bone pain. Potatoes retain heat for long periods of time, allowing the warmth to penetrate deep into the tissues. To make the wrap, boil 1 lb. of potatoes in their skins until tender. Place them in a linen sack and mash them. Apply the sack to the affected area, placing a towel underneath tightly to your body with a woollen blanket. Remove only after it has cooled down completely.

Raw potatoes for inflammation

The cooling effect of raw potato slices brings fast relief from swelling (and itching) caused by contact dermatitis and insect bites. The slices are also effective for bruises as well as sties that occur on the eyelids. Peel and slice a potato and apply a slice to the affected skin until the potato warms up. Repeat as necessary.

Potato juice for heartburn

Potato juice helps reduce stomach acid and heal gastrointestinal inflammation because it contains compounds that coat the lining of the stomach. Use a juicer to extract the juice from 1-2 large potatoes (with the skins). Take 3-4 tbsp. of juice half an hour before meals. If you do not like the taste of potato juice when taken straight, mix it with another vegetable juice (such as carrot or beet) or add it to soup.

Not quite so humble now, is it?

The Fortnightly Winter Warmers!

All recipes brought to you from

Rosemary & lemon wedges

Every burger tastes better when it's served with these crunchy herbed potato wedges, sizzling from the oven and seasoned with lemon salt.
Preparation Time
15 minutes
Cooking Time
50 minutes

Ingredients (serves 8)
Olive oil, to grease
2kg sebago (brushed) potatoes, peeled, washed
60ml (1/4 cup) olive oil
1/3 cup chopped fresh rosemary leaves
2 tsp sea salt flakes
2 lemons, rind finely grated
Preheat oven to 230°C. Brush 2 large baking trays with oil to lightly grease. Line with non-stick baking paper. Cut each potato lengthways into 6-8 wedges, depending on their size.
Bring a large saucepan of water to the boil. Add the potato and cook for 10 minutes. Drain. Transfer to a medium bowl. Add the oil, rosemary and half the salt, and toss to coat.
Place the potato mixture, in a single layer, on the prepared trays. Bake, swapping the trays halfway through cooking, for 35-40 minutes or until the potato wedges are crisp and golden.
Meanwhile, use your fingers to coarsely crush the remaining salt. Combine the salt and lemon rind in a small bowl.
Transfer the wedges to a serving bowl. Sprinkle with the salt mixture and toss to combine. Serve immediately.

Notes & tips

Time plan tip: Prepare this recipe to the end of step 2 up to 2 hours ahead. Cover the potato mixture with plastic wrap and store at room temperature. Continue from step 3, 40 minutes before serving.
Tip: The trick to crispy potato wedges is parboiling the potatoes in step 2. Choose potatoes that are about the same size - this ensures they cook evenly and makes for better presentation. If sebago potatoes are unavailable, go for pontiac or coliban potatoes instead.

Beef with parmesan mash & balsamic French eschalots

(When only the very best will do)

Preparation Time
20 - 40 minutes
Cooking Time
45 minutes

Ingredients (serves 4)
16 (about 400g) eschalots (French shallots)
Olive oil spray
700g piece lean beef scotch fillet, cut into 8 x 2cm thick slices
1 bunch broccolini
80ml (1/3 cup) balsamic vinegar
2 tbs brown sugar
3 fresh thyme sprigs
· Parmesan mash
1kg Sebago (brushed) potatoes, peeled, chopped
80ml (1/3 cup) skim milk
30g (1/3 cup) shredded parmesan
Place the eschalots in a large heatproof bowl and cover with boiling water. Set aside for 10 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to carefully remove from the water. Set aside to cool slightly. Use your fingers to carefully remove the skin and discard.
Meanwhile, to make the parmesan mash, cook the potato in a saucepan of boiling water for 10 minutes or until tender. Drain and return to the pan. Add the milk and use a potato masher to mash until smooth. Stir in the parmesan. Season with salt and pepper.
Spray a large non-stick frying pan with olive oil spray and place over medium heat. Add the eschalots and cook, stirring, for 15 minutes or until tender. Transfer to a plate. Add the beef to the pan and cook for 3-4 minutes each side for medium or until cooked to your liking. Transfer to a plate and cover with foil to keep warm.
While the steaks are cooking, cook the broccolini in a saucepan of boiling water for 2-3 minutes or until bright green and tender crisp. Drain.
Return the eschalots to the pan. Add balsamic vinegar, brown sugar and thyme and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes or until sauce reduces and thickens. Divide the mash among serving plates. Top with the beef and balsamic eschalots. Serve with the broccolini.

Chicken curry mildura

(a beaut winter warmer)

Preparation Time
15 minutes
Cooking Time
50 minutes

Ingredients (serves 4)
80ml (1/3 cup) vegetable oil or melted ghee
2 brown onions, coarsely chopped
1 tsp cardamom seeds (MasterFoods brand), bruised
6 fresh red birdseye chillies, finely chopped
3 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
3cm piece fresh ginger, peeled, finely chopped
30g (1/4 cup) curry powder (Keen's brand)
8 chicken drumsticks, skin removed
2 sebago (brushed) potatoes, peeled, coarsely chopped
10 fresh curry leaves
1 425g can diced tomatoes
60ml (1/4 cup) oyster sauce
2 tbs soy sauce
Salt, to taste
1 tbs mild curry paste (Patak's brand)
1 cup loosely packed chopped fresh coriander
Heat the oil in a large, flameproof casserole dish over medium-high heat. Add the onions and cardamom, and cook, stirring occasionally, for 3 minutes or until onion softens. Add the chillies, garlic and ginger, and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes or until onions brown.
Add curry powder to the casserole dish and cook, stirring, for 1 minute or until a paste forms. Add the chicken and cook, turning, for 2 minutes or until chicken is coated in the spice paste. Add the potatoes, curry leaves, tomatoes, oyster sauce and soy sauce, and stir until well combined. Cover and cook, stirring occasionally, over low heat for 25 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Taste and season with salt.
Add curry paste and half the coriander to chicken mixture, and cook over low heat for 10 minutes or until sauce thickens slightly. Sprinkle remaining coriander leaves over the curry and serve immediately.

The Great Aussie Potato Bake

(and this one couldn't be easier)

My friend Pia, shared this recipe with me the other day and I can tell you right now it went down a treat with my family!

3 sebago (brushed) potatoes peeled and sliced thinly

1 large clove garlic

1 container cream

1 cup grated cheese of choice

Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Place potatoes in a greased oven proof dish. Slice garlic finely and sprinkle over potato. Pour cream over potato and garlic and place in oven for 30 mins. Take from oven and sprinkle with grated cheese (any cheese is fine). Place back in oven for another 15 mins or until potato is soft and top of bake is golden.

Serve while hot. YUM! Couldn't be simpler but couldn't taste better!

I hope that you enjoy making and eating these delicious recipes....... and now......

Our Fortnightly Showcasing

Ambience Wellness Centre


I originally went to see Virginia Ede of Ambience Wellness Centre after I had done a sciatic nerve in my leg nearly 2 years ago.

A friend had recommended her and trusting my friends judgement, I decided that I had nothing to lose.

Wow, was I wrong! I lost the intense pain that I had suffered with within 2 days and I am still pain free.

Bowen is a beautiful, gentle therapy that I would recommend to anyone suffering from physical or emotional pain.

But Virginia is not just able to help us. She is one of the first four in the world, trained in Botek Recognised Cat & Canine Muscle Release Therapy which is Bowen Therapy for animals.

Pretty impressive when you think that we have access to skills like this right here on the Central Coast.

Here's the link, please take a read. then click on her web link for more information about the workshops etc. that Virginia runs.

The work that she has done to date with animals is amazing and she continues to bring the very best of herself and her abilities to every client (both 2 and 4 legged).

Well that's about it for us this fortnight. We hope that you have enjoyed this newsletter and take the time to make some of the tasty recipes.

Stay safe and healthy until next fortnight and

Bon Appetit!

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