Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fortnightly Favourites Newsletter

Hi and welcome back to our Fortnightly Favourites Newsletter. We have changed the format of our newsletter so that it is more user friendly for you. To see the information that we have provided for you, simply click on the accompanying photo.

This fortnights favourite is the Cauliflower.
Saratoga Fresh Fruit (who are also our showcased business this fortnight) have the cauli on special right now at just $2.50 each.

It was a difficult choice to find just three great recipes for this versatile vege. So if you are wanting more than just OUR favourites, click here to get them all!

Always on the lookout for well priced tasty lunches, we happened upon the Bateau Bay Hotel's $6.00 tuesday on (yes, you guessed it) tuesday. For $6.00 you get a steak of your choice that you cook yourself and whatever you like from the hot or cold servery to go with it. (excellent value, and I will say, the steak was cooked to perfection). Washed down with a beer or a wine it is definately a winner.

If you wish to make a comment or a suggestion about the Newsletter, please send an email to time4youlifestyle@gmail.com

If you no longer wish to receive the Newsletter, please go to time4youlifestyle@gmail.com and type unsubscribe into the subject bar.

The Nutrition spot

You may already know that the humble cauliflower is full of Vitamin C. But do you know what else lies below that not so pretty surface...........?

Fortnightly recipes

Please click on each photo below to open the recipe.

Bacon & Cauliflower soup with Parmesan Crisps

Cauliflower, blue cheese and spinach frittata

Pan fried chicken on roasted cauliflower with lemon & mustard sauce.

All come with 5 stars so............

This fortnight our showcased business is
Saratoga Fresh Fruit.

Saratoga Fresh Fruit for all your fruit and vege needs. Click on the photo below to find out more.

Well we hope that you have enjoyed the new format of the Fortnightly Favourites Newsletter and we look forward to bringing you another next fortnight, so from all of us, stay safe, happy and

Bon Appetit!

Gay Evans Lifestyle Manager Time 4 YOU Lifestyle Management Mobile: 0432 598 311 Email: time4youlifestyle@gmail.com Web: www.time4youlifestyle.com.au

Sponsor of qwert's Trades and Services Directory & Alternate Health Types Directory http://www.qwert.net/

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